Friday, May 15, 2009


Big, for me is anything I have to do in segments because it's too tall for my kiln. This is my first piece that is taller than the 27" of my scutt.
 Because of the organic way I work, I can't just slice it up in the manner of Viola Frey. Instead, I have to come up with a solution that fits the open construction method I use. The paper towel marks the division between the two segments and I had to add a base to compensate for tipping. This turned out to be a BIG learning curve for me. Weight, balance, human anatomy all needed rethinking when I made this big jump in scale.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Feats of Clay

This is a shot of my work as it is seen in the exhibit space at Gladding Mc Bean factory in Lincoln,  Ca. My piece was shown in one of the giant (and I do mean giant) beehive kilns on the ground floor. This place has been making large scale ceramic products for 130 years. They have the molds for all of the victorian trim used on big buildings across the U.S. and they continue to do restoration work today. The only way to see the clay show is to tour the factory. Call Lincoln Arts at 916-645-9713 for reservations. It will be up until May 31.