When I finished firing my series, only one stood out as fully embodying my concept of "Voyager" She moves into the ethereal plane fearlessly and wins the name for herself alone.
I want to include you in my process. The ideas start as a glimmer at the back of my brain that eventually become drawings in my sketchbook. Between the drawings and the finished stage of the work a lot of magic happens that I can never fully explain.
The ContemporaryFine Art Gallery in La Jolla is showing a wide assortment of my newest works. The address is 7946 Ivanhoe Ave., La Jolla
PAPERCLAY art and practice by Rosette Gault
I'm featured on page 89 of this informative new publication.
COASTAL EDDY a gallery
I am represented now by Coastal Eddy, a gallery on the Pacific Coast Highway in Laguna Beach.
The address is 1417 S. Coast Hwy, Laguna Beach.
PAUL MAHDER GALLERY I now have representation up here in Wine country Paul Mahder in right off the Square in Healdsburg, CA 222 Healsburg Ave, CA 95448 john@paulmahdergallery.com