Tuesday, August 9, 2016


I just spent several weeks on a piece only to find that I had tried to sculpt this idea about a year ago. The older one is in my garden and as I was finishing up the new piece, I realized that I had been there before.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016


I just finished up a series of wave sculptures...some have horses within the wave and some have human forms. They are waiting for a photo session.
My photographer will do the official photos, but I need an image so I can keep my files up to date. I saw them all lined up here and it made an interesting shot.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016


June 25th and 26th I am teaching a paperclay workshop up at the very scenic and relaxing Quyle Kiln Studio just above Murphy's, CA
I am offering this to anyone who loves the way clay can express itself....beginners and old hands are all welcome.
Email Pam Quyle (quylekilns!yahoo.com or myself (michele@burningclay.com) We will send the full info.

Monday, May 23, 2016


This is probably the last of my "Horses in the Surf" series...for now, anyway. I used these pieces as an exploration of color, using under-glazes with oxides (or porcelain slip) to knock down the vibrant primary colors. I learned a lot here that I can take to my human forms.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I was traveling north on CA Hwy 1...the surf was wild and the sun was out. I almost drove off the road. I was so moved by what I saw...a true force of nature. The surf was storm-driven and the sunshine was only a temporary condition. When I got to my destination, I ripped up the grocery bags I had with me to make sketches (probably the first time I did not have my trusty sketchbook) The explosion of surf as it pummeled the sea stacks seems to suggest entities. (I'm sure I'm not the first to see this apparition) At first I sketched figures because this has been my subject matter for a very long time. I finally gave up and admitted that was I saw (and felt) were horses pounding though the surf. So I'm following the muse right now to sculpt what I saw. it's a learning experience!

Friday, February 19, 2016


I sometimes use a copper wash under my iron oxide surface finish. The results are unpredictable and often very dramatic. It's a process that's impossible to control to any degree, so you just have to take what you get. I did a little photo essay of the progression.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016


I always make a bunch of sketches...I keep it all  in a book so I can see all my ideas from certain periods and how I evolved. Maquettes are new for me, I don't even know if I'm spelling it right...the dictionary doesn't have it. But, spelled wrong or not...they are very helpful in planning how to engineer each piece. The socks are my armature. I work with slabs and this unlikely method allows me a lot of flexibility.